Member Resource Hub

Exclusive to IIRSM members, you can now log into MYIIRSM and gain access to a wider library of insights and resources, mapped to the IIRSM Risk Management and Leadership Competency Framework, to support you to connect, learn and share with your peers.  

With your help, the Member Resource Hub will evolve into a unique and single source of content for risk professionals, pulling in relevant insights, thought leadership and opportunities from around the world and across our fast-growing community of members. 

Based on your feedback and contributions we will be continually adding content to this hub. 

To find out more about submitting content, please email us on 

Features include: 

  • Video content including professional development webinars 

  • Insightful thought leadership on emerging issues in risk 

  • IIRSM knowledge articles from The Sentinel 

  • Digital versions of our publications 

  • A blog feature that allows you to contribute thought leadership and community-driven content to the library 

  • Exclusive member-only offers and promotions 

  • Podcasts from our Emerging Risk Leaders Network (coming soon)

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